Your husband hides your laptop.
But I have it back now, with the strict instruction that I can't look for jobs again until Monday. I think I can handle that.
Yesterday was the one month mark until Joe starts dental school. We're getting really excited - especially him. Though, if I were in his shoes and knew all the work I was in store for, I don't think I could muster up much excitement. I guess it is a testament to how much Joe wants this.
The closer we get to school starting, the more nervous we are getting about loans. Attending dental school (especially an Ivy League one) is not going to be cheap, and Joe already has a ton of student loans from undergrad and his post-bac program. We are hoping beyond hope for the NHSC scholarship, but the odds are pretty slim.
With this growing concern over loans and my realization that I will be lucky to make half of what I did in San Francisco (even though the cost of living isn't much of a difference), I had a diet slip on Thursday.
I didn't work out (though I decided that I will allow myself one day off per level of The Shred to let my body recover and hadn't taken one yet) and I drank.
However, this slip brought to light how serious I actually am about changing my life and losing weight. The biggest illustrations:
(Exhibit A)
When I slip, I usually REALLY slip. As in, I eat a ton and really take advantage of the diet "break." But on Thursday, I still stayed in my calorie limit (if you don't count the alcohol). I did seek out some kind of food to make me "feel better" - which was a small handful of chocolate chips. Usually I'd go to the store and buy a pint of Ben and Jerry's (especially since we saw them on sale earlier in the day). For an all-or-nothing personality like me, I consider this a win.
(Exhibit B)
When I woke up the next morning with a hangover, I still pushed myself and did The Shred. This is something I NEVER would have done in the past. Like, ever. Not only did I still do it with a headache, but a lot of times when I take one day off of exercising (as I did Thursday), it is a domino effect and I take multiple days off. So, another win.
Speaking of food, it's lunchtime and I am starved. Plus I still have to do The Shred today. Only 2 more days at level 1 and then I move on to level 2. I am both excited (because the repetition is so boring to me) and scared (because when I did The Shred in the past, I did level 1 for 30 days and only tried levels 2 & 3 a couple times. I remember them being harder...).

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