I know, I know. But hear me out.
The 30 Day Shred has basically been killing me. I feel pathetic saying that, since it's only 25 minutes, but facts are facts.
It's not that I can't make it through the workout. I can. (I may be sweat-drenched and cursing Jillian, but I can do it.) It's the fact that my legs are aching not just while I am Shredding, but every waking hour of the day.
I don't blame Jillian entirely. I blame our stairs too. I HATE stairs, and we live in a two story apartment on the third floor of a building without an elevator. Now that we have Buster, I'm hiking up and down the stairs several times a day. Plus, Joe and I are trying to walk him at least 30 minutes a day and I've made stupid shoe choices for each excursion.
***Side Note*** Joe has been doing most of the taking-Buster-out duty, bless his heart, so I definitely want to give him credit. I think he senses I am about to cry every time I approach a stair ***End of Side Note***
So, long story short, I've been less than motivated to add more exercise to my day until I get a bit more acclimated to this new, active lifestyle of mine. Perhaps tomorrow or Wednesday (Zumba day!) the motivation will be there. We shall see. I don't want to injure myself or get burnt out.
Today I certainly wasn't going to make it to the gym for the first time, because I spent hours applying for jobs.
Ugh, job-hunting is truly awful. I applied for a few things last week, and only heard back from one: an e-mail that people more qualified than me applied, so they were passing (ouch). I know the job market isn't great, but this is the first time I've experienced that firsthand. I was absolutely qualified for the job, so the fact that they had better candidates freaks me out a bit. Jobs in Philly don't pay well, and the cost-of-living isn't that much better than San Francisco. If I have to shoot for lower positions that means I may be looking at a $30k drop from my previous job.
The whole thing is freaking me out.
Today I cast a wider net, applied for twice the jobs I did last week, and re-jiggered my cover letter (I customize for different jobs, but the basic skeleton is the same). Hopefully I get some news soon. My fingers are definitely crossed.
Any advice out there? Or, better yet, job leads in Philly ;)

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