I'm wrapping up my 6(ish) week nanny gig and Joe is studying around the clock.
In my abundant free time I have not been going to the gym (shame on me), but I HAVE been kicking butt on the domestic front. We always have clean clothes (thanks to my weekly treks down to the scary basement), the apartment is consistently presentable (that's decidedly different than CLEAN, but I wouldn't be embarrassed if someone stopped by), and I have made homemade meals almost every night for over a week (the only exception was Saturday night because we went to a frat pot luck... more later).
Just a couple of pics of our recent dinners for proof ;)
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Lemon Chicken Romano. Recipe here. Mine is much less pretty because the coating fell off when I fried the chicken. It was still delicious and will definitely be a repeat. |
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Originally meant to be the french onion chicken sandwich found here, but we added BBQ sauce so it turned into a delicious chicken sandwich with caramelized onions and Gates BBQ sauce. |
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Fish from Costco (here) and delicious green beans that I made for our Christmas date. The recipe for the green beans can be found here. |
Looking at the food we've been eating, it sure looks like we eat a lot of potatoes. Which we honestly don't have very often with dinner. However, with my nanny job I get off of work around 6. By the time I get home I am STARVING and so I use my break during the day (while the girls are in school) to prep as much of dinner as I possibly can. That way, Joe can just pop things in the oven and dinner is close to ready when I get home.
Potatoes are super simple to prepare ahead of time - I cut them, coat them by shaking them up in a Ziploc, put the Ziploc in the fridge, get out a baking tray and cover it with foil, and then tell Joe to plop the potatoes on the tray and stick them in the oven around 5:15. That gives me time to get home, prep anything else, and pull them out of the oven when they reach crispy perfection.
***Side Note*** Hey, at least 2 of the 3 times we had potatoes in the above pictures they were accompanied by a veggie :) ***End of Side Note***
As I mentioned, the only time we haven't eaten a homemade dinner over the last several days was Saturday when we went to a pot luck at the fraternity house. It turns out that not many people came because there was going to be a party at the house later that night. Given that dental students don't have much free time, almost everyone decided to attend the party and study during the pot luck. Given the fact that Joe and I are a good 5+ years older than most of these kids, we prefer a pot luck to a party any day ;)
We had fun. We played cornhole, Joe got to BBQ, and I tried my very first Four Loko.
The Four Loko was very strong. So (per advice from more experienced Four Loko drinkers) I drank it nice and slow... which meant that I didn't have time to finish it at the pot luck. So I smuggled it home. And took a ba-zillion selfies.
Joe and I watched some TV and then played rummy again. I beat him by 10! Quite the narrow victory, but a victory nonetheless. I don't know why I resisted learning rummy for so long... it's a really fun game. We had originally planned to do our weekly date also, but were too tired (and, let's face it, too drunk). Instead, we did the date last night after the Breaking Bad finale (when, let's face it, we were also too drunk but we had run out of time). I'll post the date re-cap tomorrow.
I think the moral of this post is that (A) I have plenty of free time - I need to go to the dang gym! (B) We eat too many potatoes (C) We drink far too much. It's a new week and almost a new month, so I'm gonna try to correct those ABC's of diet sabotage starting today!
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