The idea that there are dental fraternities surprised me, I always thought frats were an undergraduate thing. But there are, and Joe is joining one. Thankfully, they don't force you to rush ;)
The party was really fun! They had a ton of free alcohol, the place was packed, and they had beer pong set-up. I LOVE me some beer pong.

Unfortunately, I am grossly out of practice and one of our competitors was a beer pong god! He sunk almost every single shot, explaining he is good because he analyzes the X and Y axis (or something like that... I was lost after I realized he was speaking math. Darn these Ivy League smarties). This means our playing time was sadly short and we had to drink a lot of beer (apparently losers have to drink whatever beer the winners have left. So for us... that was all but three of the cups. Yum. That went well with my vodka drink and gin jello shot. Not.)
After our round, we did some mingling and I finally met a dental fiancee and wife! Yay! It was so loud in that house that we couldn't really hear each other, but at least I finally got to meet some other ladies like me. Hopefully we can hang out again and actually have a conversation that doesn't include shouting and saying "what?" dozens of times.
Toward the end of the night I had to go to the bathroom. I set my iPhone next to the sink and it promptly slid between the vanity and the wall. I couldn't reach it for the life of me and started freaking out. I ran to find Joe and shouted to him "Emergency! Emergency!" (yes, the vodka, gin, and beer had fully hit by this point). He came running after me (Lord knows what he thought was going on) and I pulled him in the bathroom and explained the predicament. He tried everything he could think to get the phone out, but nothing worked. Then I remembered that I had a tape measure in my purse (don't ask - my purse is a bottomless pit) and we used that to hook the phone and pull it. Success!
My excitement of having my phone back was short-lived, as I realized we had shut and locked the door and I could start to hear voices from outside. Fearing people were thinking Joe and I were
Oh, well. People were so drunk I doubt they'll remember. Either that, or Joe will get some high fives on Monday.
We left around midnight and promptly passed out. This morning, I woke up feeling like a truck hit me. Luckily I am starting to feel better, because Joe and I have our date jar night tonight! The date he pulled is sports-themed. We are going to watch a sports movie (or two) and eat food that people eat at sporting events.
I better enjoy stuffing my face today, since tomorrow I am finally going to get back on the wagon with eating right and exercising. I am petrified that this last month of celebrating Joe starting school will have reversed all the good I did in July. If it did, I certainly deserve it...

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