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Thursday, March 7, 2013

The First Year Calendar...

Joe's calendar for his first year of dental school came in the mail today.

I was so excited to finally have an actual idea of what next year will be like - until I actually read it and realized how little time he's going to have off.

So little, in fact, he even has classes on Christmas Eve.

...My birthday...

Christmas Eve is a terrible day for a birthday, but one of the redeeming things about it has been that it's always free of work/school for my family and me.

Until now.

I've never NOT been home for my birthday and, unless we fly home after classes that day, I won't be home for Christmas for the first time ever either.

And that will likely be the case for the next four Christmases and birthdays.

I know I sound like (at best) a drama queen or (probably more like) a spoiled brat - plenty of people don't get to see their family on Christmas or their birthday (my husband never sees his - they live in Missouri) and plenty of people have to pack themselves like cattle through TSA on overpriced flights the day before Christmas.

Intellectually I get this.

But anyone who knows me knows I am much more emotional than intellectual.

Darn hormones and my Italian blood.

And before you think I am too melodramatic, why I think this is so upsetting is because this also has made me finally comprehend is just how little I am going to see my husband and family.

I'll be 3,000 miles (or a $350+ round trip airline ticket) from my family in a city where I know no one and my husband will be either in class, studying, or sleeping 24/7/365.

I don't know why this is a newsflash to me. I've known this all along.

And for those of you wondering when we are going to have a baby, I'm pretty sure I've also realized that won't be happening during Dental School. Heck - with this schedule we won't even have time to make a baby.


Just let me feel sorry for myself for a while. I'll need to put on a brave face for Joe for the next 4 years.


  1. Hi there! I just found your blog while searching for Dental School Wife blogs. haha My husband is in the second semester of his first year of Dental School in Denver, CO. Is your husband starting school this fall? I just want to encourage you that you WILL get to see your husband while he's in Dental School. Yes, there are a lot of hours of studying and working in the lab, but I've found it helpful to be part of that. I offer to quiz him or to go to the lab with him on the weekends and read while he works just to be company for him. We also go to Starbucks a lot for him to study and me to read or play games on my kindle. I promise you that there are ways to spend time together especially if you're willing to step into his world some. :) I'm in the process of writing a blog post about this very topic if you're interested! You can find it at

  2. Hi Kate, I wanted to correct in my above comment the website for my blog. I changed the domain name so now it's :)

  3. oh my goodness! One more time. It's
    Clearly I am a professional blogger! haha Sorry about that!

  4. Haha - no worries. Thanks for the update :)


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