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Saturday, December 8, 2012

Off to a Great Start

As determined last night (around the time I broke a zipper trying to zip my lard into some jeans), today was the first official day of my diet.

Of course, the first day of a diet can't begin without the dreaded weigh-in. I stepped on that scale and saw (by far) the largest number I've ever seen on a scale. So that was fun.

I also made an official weight loss goal of 50 pounds. I'm not going to share what I weigh now (or what I will weigh when I lose 50 pounds, since I assume you all can do math), but I'll eventually share. Maybe when I lose 10 pounds.

*Side note* Mom, if you are reading this, having a 50 pound weight loss goal is not unhealthy. In fact, I'll weigh what I did after I lost all that weight in my sophomore year of college. I know you thought that was too thin - but it wasn't. *End of side note*

I ate well today (despite the Alumni party - more later) and I also started C25K for the third time (I've never made it past week 4). I decided that as much as I hate running, I want to be a runner. You can do it anywhere, you don't need equipment, and it burns the fat off. Plus, I am STUBBORN and the thought that there is something I "can't do" makes me angry.

Anyways, quick re-cap of the Alumni party. Joe and I were pouring wine at the event (my family has a winery) because the alumni association wanted to feature wines with a connection to the school.

I really don't like pouring events, because I get mad if people don't like our wine (there really aren't many out there who don't - it's good stuff - but there's always one fool in every crowd).

Things didn't start great because that fool was the first person who came to our table, and he was quite rude.

What made it worse is that it was day one of my diet, so my blood sugar was dangerously low.

*Side note* When Katie is hungry - avoid Katie. Fool was lucky my low blood sugar also made me too tired to jump over the table and wring his neck. I HATE rude people *End of side note*

So, needless to say, I wasn't thrilled to be there. Plus, I am EXTREMELY awkward in social situations like these. It's super painful for me, and is actually the reason I said yes to the Alumni party in the first place. I need to conquer that fear. Tonight I did decent, I guess. I'm pretty good at faking it (that's what she said).

I'm really proud of myself for doing something out of my comfort zone, I am proud that I stuck to snacking on fruit and diet Pepsi at the party rather than the fattening appetizers and wine, and I am PUMPED that I actually won a prize in the raffle! I NEVER win ANYTHING!

It was a busy day - but a great start to my quest of losing 50 pounds!

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