It's Tuesday, the day we were supposed to be in Memphis. But I'm sick, and so plans have changed and I am sitting on my mother-in-law's couch watching Game Show Network instead.
When we decided to postpone the re-start of the road trip again, the plan was to leave tomorrow morning for Memphis, but I am still feeling crummy, and I just don't know if that is in the cards.
As excited as I am about the things we have planned to see in Memphis and Atlanta, the thought of actually visiting those things wears me out. The last thing I want is to push myself too hard and get sicker and to spend the time and money to go and not have a good time. Frankly, I was getting tired on some days of the road trip when I was 100% healthy.
So we'll just play things by ear.
In the meantime, let me fill you in on what I have done the three times I left the house for a mini-excursion. Excuse my writing today, I'm not up to feeling very clever or descriptive haha. And certainly not in the mood to proof-read.
Thursday, Joe had a flight lesson that he received as a birthday gift from our friends Nick and Thea (um... can anyone say SWEET GIFT?!). Joe loves planes, and has always wanted to get his pilot's license. I, on the other hand, am scared of planes (especially little ones).
Good luck pilot Joe! |
When we arrived, the flight school told us that I could go up in the
plane as a passenger for free. Typically I'd say no, but I figured I was
missing out on enough cool things this trip (and it was FREE), so I
went ahead and joined him on his flight. I'm glad I was sick, because
had I not been, I would have definitely freaked mid-flight. As it was, I
didn't have the energy to be scared.
Happy man right here. Living the dream. |
It was a pretty foggy day, but I still got pretty pics from my seat high in the sky. |
Friday, we visited Grant's Farm with Joe's mom, step-dad, stepsisters
and niece. Grant's Farm was the former home of Ulysses S. Grant, and was
purchased by the Busch (as in Anheuser-Busch) family as a wildlife
When you arrive, you can visit the famous Budweiser Clydesdale horses! Then you take a tram ride through a forested
area and spot animals like elk and buffalo.
It was a beautiful day and a beautiful setting! |
Apologies for the poor pictures - I wasn't feeling up to doing much more than snapping pictures from where I was standing. |
These guys have some BIG feet! |
Elk. There were dozens and dozens! |
Well hello there. |
The tram takes you to a
petting zoo area with baby goats you can feed and there are other animal
exhibits (giraffes, elephants, etc.) and shows.
At the end of the park
there is a giant area with tables and they give you free beer - which made Joe very happy.
Saturday, we went wine tasting with Joe's mom, step-dad, brother, and
sister-in-law. I tried some wine since I was feeling a bit better.
Coming from wine country in California, I can be a bit picky and
Missouri wines are typically too sweet for me. But it was still a lot of
fun and refreshing to be out of the house.
Joe's mom and step-dad. |
Eric and Joe. |
Shannon and Me. |
Sunday, Monday, and today have been totally lazy. It's needed, and I'm enjoying it. I started crocheting a blanket but I have a feeling it will take me a LONG time to complete. In 10 days I am only about 1/7 of the way done (YIKES!)
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That is so fun that Joe got a flight lesson for his birthday! My dad has an ultralight and I took flight lessons in a Cessna 152 when I was younger. Hope you feel better soon!