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Monday, June 17, 2013

Weekend Re-Cap

This has been a crazy nutso few days. My family is flying in on Wednesday, and our apartment is still a disaster zone (cannot fathom why it takes so long to unpack!) We've been doing a lot around the house to get ready. Sunday was spent at Ikea, Target, Costco, and Home Depot (a quad-fecta - is that a word? - that has been done on 3 of the 14 days we've been in Philly - that's 21.42% of our time in our new city). And today was a fun-filled 10 hours of unpacking, cleaning, and laundry.


On a happier note - we did get a bit of relief on Saturday. One of my dad's best friends works for the USGA, so we were able to get free tickets to the US Open (which was right outside Philly this year).

I come from a big golfing family - but am not a golfer, myself (unless you count mini-golf, which I kick butt at). I have to say that going to the US Open has made me appreciate golf a lot more. Joe is thrilled at this, as he went to the US Open in San Francisco last year and fell in love with the sport.

It took me a bit to catch on - every time I heard cheers I was convinced there was a hole in one - but I soon realized that golfing fans cheer a lot and holes in ones very rarely happen.

I have to say that I was disgusted by the amount of Tiger love. He is a terrible human being who cheated on his pregnant wife with a Perkins waitress (among many, many others). I saw women with Tiger shirts on and couldn't believe that they were willing to forgive such a disgusting human being. Gross. I also couldn't believe the number of popped collars and tucked in shirts. Tucked in shirts I didn't mind, they were actually a fond memory of Catholic School, but those popped collars sure made me laugh.

All in all, super glad to have had the opportunity to go. What a cool once-in-a-lifetime event!

Me and my $125 value (but free for me!) US Open ticket - way too exhausted to turn this pic the right way
Since we were at the Open, on Saturday we didn't get anything house related done. Pretty disappointing because my uncle and cousin (my cousin goes to Drexel, which is also in Philly) were going to visit our apartment and then take us out to dinner. I was bummed at how terrible our place looked, but hopefully they will get a chance to see it all put together.

We went to dinner at this great restaurant nearby - and the walk to and from the restaurant really reinforced how beautiful this city is:

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