Sunday, June 23
Sunday, we went to Lancaster and took a scooter tour to see the Amish
farmland and some cool covered bridges. We also saw many buggies and
Amish folk. It was awesome. We didn't snap photos of them, because they
don't like their pictures taken, but they were really friendly and waved
to us when we passed.
I was thisclose to bailing on the scooters because I am not a quick
learner of anything sports-related (I still can't ski or snowboard
despite private lessons). The guide who was teaching us made me ride up
front right behind him, and seemed like he wasn't sure I'd be able to
hack it.
But I sucked it up, swallowed my anxiety, and rode. After a bit, I got
more comfortable and it ended up being really fun. Toward the end I was
even driving fast and dodging Amish buggies that were in my way. My only
near-accident was when I was waving at an Amish child and almost veered
into a truck. Oops. Two hands on the scooter is probably a good plan
for someone as accident-prone as me.
Below are a couple of shots of a covered bridge. The whole area was so
beautiful, but we only got off the scooters at bridges and (as
established) accident-prone me needed to have two hands on the scooter.
There was no way I could snap photos as I was driving.
Here's a line of the scooters:
After the scooter tour, we toured an Amish farmhouse. Below are the different rooms we saw:
Kitchen |
Girls' Room |
Boys' Room |
Baby's room |
Master bedroom |
And now, for some fun facts about the Amish:
- William Penn invited the Amish to Pennsylvania because they were facing religious persecution in Europe
- Since they are pacifists, men don't wear buttons on their jackets or mustaches because they appear too "militaristic"
- Homes cannot have heat anywhere but in the kitchen, which is why (as
you may have noticed in the master bedroom photo) they block off their
- Photographs aren't allowed because it's considered a violation of the second Commandment, "You shall not make for yourself a carved image—any likeness of
anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or
that is in the water under the earth..." So you won't see
photographs on the walls. They do allow mirrors since they only produce
"a temporary image," but use of a mirror is limited to shaving for men
and fixing hair coverings for women
- The Amish are allowed to go to regular hospitals / doctors
- Divorce isn't allowed, but widows can re-marry (but must wear black for one year)
- When an Amish person dies, he/she is dressed in white to symbolize
that they are pure for Heaven. Flowers, etc. aren't placed on their
graves because they believe that "God loves everyone equally" so they
don't want some graves to have flowers and others to have nothing
Monday, June 24
Monday was a day of relaxation for the guys, and shopping for the girls.
Come on, I can't let a week with my mom pass without at least a
little shopping.
Tuesday, June 25
It was good we had a slow day on Monday, because Tuesday we took Mega
Bus up to New York for the day. Brian wasn't feeling well, so he stayed
home, but the rest of us took a walking tour through much of Manhattan.
It was EXHAUSTING - at least 10 miles in the New York summer heat and
humidity - but the tour was a great idea! Only Joe had been to NYC
before, and that was a long time ago, so there was a lot we wanted to
see. And we did!
No, we don't know these people, but we also didn't want to wait in line
for a picture :) it was a madhouse near the bull. Fun fact - the
charging bull was built in 1989 by an Italian American sculptor. He
thought Wall Street would want to buy it, but they didn't, and so he
left it in the street. It became such a tourist spot that the city just
leaves it there. It's officially for sale for $5 million, but the
sculptor said that if you buy the charging bull you have to immediately
donate it to the city.
The New York Stock Exchange.
This is the actual Bible that George Washington used when he was inaugurated.
We were able to see the construction of the Freedom Tower (now called
One World Trade Center). It's a beautiful building. The last time Joe
was in New York (he was 10) he got a picture taken in front of the Twin
Towers, so it was strange for him to see something else standing in its
We also visited St. Paul's chapel, which is where emergency workers
stayed while responding to 9/11 and its aftermath. Above is a photo of
one of three "altars" to people involved. This is to honor first
responders. People all over the world come and leave patches, hats, etc.
to show solidarity.
I was really excited to see Broadway, because I am a theater-buff. I hope to go to a show here sometime!
It was also really cool to see Times Square.
And of course, like any
30 Rock fans, we were pumped to see 30 Rockefeller Plaza.
Our final stop was Central Park, and I have a bunch of shots below that I took. It was gorgeous!
I just loved all of the statues. Here's Balto. |
Loved the
bridges/tunnels too. Though after years of watching Law and Order, I
don't think I'd walk through one at night no matter how much the park
has been cleaned up in the past several years ;) |
Yay! William Shakespeare. Ugh my hair. That's thanks to the humidity and sweat. We were dying at this point. |
Original park benches |
Remind anyone of Enchanted? |
Wednesday, June 26
After Tuesday's busyness, we wanted to keep things pretty calm on
Wednesday. We slept in, and then went to The Constitution Center.
The Constitution Center is right by the Liberty Bell, so we stopped at
the visitor center there for the bathroom and found Rocky Balboa...
And then noticed that the line to see the Liberty Bell was super short.
My parents and Kevin had headed back by this point (they saw the bell
while we slept in that morning), and so I only have a picture of Brian.
You gotta admit, it's a pretty sweet looking bell.
Thursday, June 27
Thursday was another laid back day for the boys and another shopping day
for the girls. We couldn't be gone too long, because my mom, dad, and
Kevin were flying home and needed to leave for the airport around 4:30.
***Side Note*** Turns out, they didn't need to arrive early, because
their flight was delayed HOURS thanks to lightning on the Philly end and
construction at SFO Airport on the San Francisco end. When they finally
arrived in San Francisco, they blew a tire, and had to get a hotel room
for a couple hours for some sleep and so they could get transportation
home. They didn't end up home until 24 hours after they left our
apartment. Poor people! ***End of Side Note***
Brian stayed with us because he was initially going to spend a few days
in New York with his college roommate's family. However, his roommate
got an internship and so wouldn't be in town and it was too late to
change the tickets without an exorbitant ticket change fee. So we get
him until Monday :)
When Joe got home from the airport, the three of us saw
World War Z - which was pretty good. We had to take advantage of $5 Thursdays at the theater :)
So there you have it! All caught up on what I was too lazy to write about in the moment :)