For that reason, I'm going to stop apologizing when I take blogging breaks.
If you think about it, an apology is much more warranted if I write boring blog posts just so I can check "blogging" off of my daily to-do list. After-all, I'd hate to waste the time of my dear readers (all 2 of you).
My original point in daily blogging was so there would be consistency. I've read many-a-blog where the blogger took frequent long breaks between posts. I got tired of checking back to see if she had posted anything new, and would eventually stop trying.
But guess what?! There is this really handy gadget to the right of your screen that lets you subscribe to my blog! That's right - get auto-updated when I actually have something
You know you want to.
Just fill in your e-mail and press that "submit" button.
I promise this won't happen:

For example:
March 29: My last day of work!
March 30: Moving out of our apartment!
April 2 - 7: A trip to visit family and friends in Portland and Spokane!
April 26: Our road trip to Philly officially starts! We start off with a week in Southern California at the beach - Disneyland!!!!!! - and The Price is Right!
May: A month on the road! Stops like Vegas and Memphis, along with two weeks visiting Joe's family in Missouri!
June 1: Arrive in Philly and the start to a whole new chapter of our lives!
Yep - things are about to get real exciting :)
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