Backtrack a bit: if you recall, Joe and I tried to do things the cheap way and so we got a free mattress off of Craigslist. The "free" mattress ended up costing a bit, as we had to rent a U-Haul to get it and then paid professional cleaners to clean it. We couldn't sleep on the mattress until the cleaners came due to the fact that it smelled like a casino and Philly is the #1 city in America for bed bugs. So that meant sleeping on an air mattress. The cleaners were supposed to come on Thursday, but there was lightning which meant we had to postpone until Monday (the day before our anniversary). Monday night, the mattress was still damp from the belated cleaning (thanks humidity) and so we decided we'd sleep on our newly cleaned sofa bed for a night and then have the awesome present of a mattress to sleep on for our anniversary (after 2 weeks mattress-less).
Of course, that didn't work out. All day Monday I kept feeling like I could still smell smoke radiating from the mattress. Joe thought I was imagining things or was smelling the cleaning chemicals instead. But my nose is that of a bloodhound (for reals) and after the nagging feeling that we still had a smokey mattress refused to fade, Joe finally stuck his nose in the mattress and agreed that he smelled smoke too.
Yes! (because I was right)
Dang! (because that meant finding a new mattress)
***Side Note*** Look, I am a California girl. California is very strict with smoking laws, and Californians treat smokers like pariahs. I am not used to the smell of cigarette smoke. Joe had one cigarette a few years ago when we were still dating (bad future dentist) and when I kissed him three days later I COULD SMELL THE SMOKE IN HIS MOUTH!!! And this is the mouth of Mr. Oral Hygiene.
Told you I am a bloodhound.
(Joe, by the way, isn't a smoker and hasn't smoked since).
My point is that cigarette smoke is something I just can't handle - even a faint smell is too much, there was no way I could sleep on this mattress. ***End of Side Note***
After deciding I was right (as usual - ha!), we immediately headed to a mattress store in the hopes of a quick decision that wouldn't alter our anniversary night plans. We ended up spending more time driving to and from the store than in the store itself, because I found what I thought to be the perfect mattress. We bought it and headed home to freshen up.
***Side Note*** As I type now, I am laying on our new mattress for the first time since it was delivered this morning. I don't like it :( We have 3 weeks to decide for sure if we like it or not. If not, we can return it and get a different mattress without penalty... but the thought of prolonging this stupid mattress saga totally defeats me. Why oh why does my body have to be so darn picky? First my nose, and now my bones - which are yelling at me that the bed is too firm and definitely firmer than it felt in the store). ARGH!!!!!!!!!! ***End of Side Note***
After freshening up, we rushed to the movie theater and got there just in time for This is the End, which was HILARIOUS! Not a movie you'd want to see with your mom, though. Unless your mom likes pot and jokes about a particular part of a male's anatomy...
After the movie, we went to dinner at a restaurant nearby called Pod. It's Asian Fusion / sushi. Joe and I aren't sushi fans, but there was a wasabi-crusted filet mignon on the menu that looked delicious...
It was. |
Of course, we had to continue our anniversary photo tradition:
Yesterday... |
![]() |
And last year's - just for fun :) |
Today my family arrived in Philly for a week's vacation. It's going to be a lot of fun, but I am already exhausted because I spend the entire day unpacking, cleaning, and cooking. I guess this will be a good challenge for the new mattress - will I wake up refreshed? Or will the firmness make it tough to sleep (no pun intended) and make me a real pleasure to be around tomorrow? I guess you'll just have to tune in later to find out...
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