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Monday, January 19, 2015

It's A......

Wow - it's almost been a whopping two months since I last posted. I hate being an inconsistent blogger and will try to be better (though anyone who has followed me for a while knows there are two things I always strive to do better: #1 diet/exercise and #2 blog).

While a ton has happened in the last two months, the most exciting thing is that we had our anatomy scan on December 15 and found out we are having a little boy!!!

Joe and I were a bit surprised, because we both had a feeling that the baby was going to be a girl (I was even having dreams about it). But a couple weeks before the anatomy scan I started feeling like maybe I was having a boy after all. Then, a night or two before the scan I had a dream we were having a boy. My subconscious must have been convinced, because without thinking I wore blue to the appointment. (I also noticed a bunch of "It's a Boy!" balloons in the window of the hospital gift shop as we headed toward the ultrasound office.)

When Joe heard we are having a son, he lit up and the first thing he did was wind his arm up like he was going to pitch a baseball and he said something like, "I better get warmed up so I can teach this kid how to play catch!" My heart melted. It was adorable.

I wanted to do something fun to announce the gender online, so the day before the scan I made a pink and a blue picture frame and posted this on Facebook:

As it turns out, our friends and family were pretty evenly split with their guesses. To announce, the next day I posted:

I have to give credit to my mom for the picture frame idea. I was looking for something pretty easy (my lack of energy has made me exceptionally lazy) and inexpensive. This was both! All I did was buy cheap/lightweight wooden frames from Michaels. They were only $1 and were the same brand as these (but fancier, I can't find the shape I bought on the website):

Then I just used a foam paint brush to put Elmer's glue all over the frame and sprinkled glitter on top. That's it! :) 

It's been so much fun knowing the gender of our baby! A couple days after the appointment I flew home to California for 3 weeks and did a ton of shopping with my mom. LOTS of maternity and baby clothes were bought. While it is a little harder to find cute clothes for a boy than it would be for a girl, I've found several things that are absolutely adorable and I can't wait to see him wear. I just imagine holding him close and cuddling him... I truly cannot wait!

For the longest time, I didn't "feel pregnant" (despite the constant nausea of the first trimester and the fatigue of the last 24 weeks). But the last couple of weeks I have FINALLY begun to feel him kick and that has helped some (though I am still in utter disbelief that in 16ish weeks I'll have my baby boy in my arms). I was getting worried that I hadn't felt movement, but it turns out I have an anterior placenta (it's in the front). That means that instead of kicking me the baby is kicking the placenta so it muffles things quite a bit. At this point, the kicks feel nothing more than muscle spasms in my stomach... but last night they were finally just hard enough for Joe to feel them! Seeing Joe's face light up with excitement, shock and pride was so awesome :) He loves feeling my tummy now and I'm sure it'll only get more fun as those kicks get harder.

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