Yesterday I promised an excuse for why I've taken such a long break from blogging. Those of you who are my Facebook friends already know, but here it is for my other readers: I've been too busy dealing with fatigue, nausea and barfing.
That's right - I'm pregnant!
Baby Brier is due May 7, 2015 and Joe and I are so excited!
Lots of people were surprised because they thought we were waiting until after dental school, but we talked at length about it and realized that we could make it work financially, emotionally, etc. as long as we didn't have a baby during the first 2 years of dental school. From what we have been hearing from friends in D3 and D4, Joe's last 2 years will be much easier since he'll mostly be working in clinic. Yes, there will still be some classes and tests, but nothing compared to D1 and D2. Plus, we have been very good about saving money ever since we got engaged with the hope that we would be able to have a baby before he graduates. I want to be a stay-at-home mom, so the financial aspect of this was considered very carefully.
Anyways, now that I have assured my dear readers that Joe and I are responsible and not totally nuts for having a dental school baby, I'll spill some of the fun details :)
Although it was a few days earlier than a sane person would take a pregnancy test, I realized that it was technically possible for me to get a positive the morning of Joe's first day of school. I went into the bathroom, took the test, and honestly didn't expect much. There was no guarantee, of course, that I would be pregnant. And there was no guarantee that even if I was I would get a positive at that point. So when the "yes+" popped up on the screen, I was gobsmacked.
I originally planned to give Joe a little back-to-school gift bag with stuff like coffee and pens inside, but now I was able to add something even more exciting! A couple of months earlier I ordered these shirts for Joe and me:
I folded his shirt up and put it at the bottom of the bag. Then I put my shirt on, put a robe on, and slid the pregnancy test up my sleeve.
I brought down the gift bag and Joe started taking out his back-to-school goodies. Then he got to the shirt. He opened it, read it, and looked up at me with a confused look on his face. I took that as my cue: I ripped open my robe Superman-style and pulled out the test from my sleeve. Joe was shocked, and very happy.
The pregnancy started out very easy, and I was thinking that I might escape the first trimester without morning sickness. One of my grandmas had 4 kids and always said she felt her best when she was pregnant - so it wasn't beyond the realm of possibility. Then week 6 hit, and IMMEDIATELY I became exhausted and constantly nauseous.
From then until week 14 (just a few days ago), I haven't felt like doing anything. For two months I've been in bed or on the couch trying to fight the nausea and exhaustion almost 24/7. You'd think all that time just laying around would mean that I'd have tons of time to blog. Well, technically I did, but I couldn't bring myself to do anything I didn't absolutely have to do. But I am finally feeling more like myself! I still don't feel awesome, and the food aversions are still strong, but I do have more energy. So hopefully I can become more consistent with posting again.
Despite all of these symptoms, though, I can't actually wrap my mind around the fact that I am pregnant. In fact, I keep joking that I'm like one of those crazy ladies who tells everyone she is pregnant, gets a belly, and then kills a pregnant woman and steals her baby. It honestly feels like that is more realistic than that fact that I'll be giving birth in 26-ish weeks.
And that's even with THREE ultrasounds!

At that appointment, the baby measured exactly on track, and it seems as if the doctor just made an error or the machine at the doctor's office wasn't as good as the ones at the hospital. It was fun to get to see the baby again so soon, and we marveled at the difference a mere week made in what he/she looked like. Plus, the baby was jumping all over the place, which was funny to watch. The tech called it a "jumping bean."
Ultrasound number 3 was the scariest, because it took place at my 12 week appointment when they couldn't find the heartbeat with the doppler thing. While the doctor had mentioned that sometimes the heartbeat can be tough to get this early with the doppler, it was still terrifying. When she started the ultrasound, though, we immediately saw baby. Turns out, he/she was just jumping around so much that the doctor couldn't pinpoint the heart. An addition to the jumping, this time baby was flailing its arms back and forth. It looked like our little one was having a dance party or something.
We had already thought about nicknaming the baby "Bean" because that was Joe's nickname as a kid. But after the antics of our little "jumping bean," we decided that it's the perfect nickname until we know if it's a boy or girl.
Speaking of gender. YES, we are absolutely going to find out. The wait to week 20 is driving me crazy, no way could I wait until week 40! I'm wondering if I'll finally start feeling pregnant once I know if it is a boy or girl since it'll be easier to imagine a real baby in my arms in May. I guess we'll see! We should find out somewhere around December 16-18.
So that's my big news, and my excuse for being a terrible blogger lately. I think it's a pretty good excuse ;)
I have enjoyed reading through your blog! Congrats on your pregnancy! My husband is also in dental school. We have a 3 year old son and a 10 month old daughter.
ReplyDeleteThanks Mandi! It's good to hear from another dental school mama :)
DeleteCongratulations! Children are a blessing from God. :-)
ReplyDeleteThanks! We are very excited :)
DeleteCongratulations! It will be exciting to follow your journey! My husband and I plan to have a child by his 3rd year as well, so it will be nice to see someone going through the same. I plan to be a stay at home mom as well, I always wanted to be home with my kids, we might use a little bit of loan money for the other baby expenses but it will be worth it! We always get criticized for not wanting to wait till he is done with school but I believe that it is manageable with a stay at home mom, and by the time the baby is 2 years old, hell be working. Best of luck, and keep us all updated!
ReplyDeleteThanks! What year is your husband now? I love finding other people whose spouses are in dental school :) I agree - it is a little scary not having income coming in, but I think that the timing works that we can sustain ourselves with savings and loans :)
DeleteHe is only in his first year now! This semester is already flying by though. I am still adjusting to him always being occupied with school/studying, but we're doing OK. I haven't found work yet, its been rough to find meaning/fill my days but Ive been managing by taking walks, window shopping, cooking, and most importantly, being a supportive partner for him. I have my BA and always think about going back to school, to find something that will help me get a job in this rough job market, but because I plan to be a stay home mom, it doesn't really make sense. Once we have a baby, I know I'll be wishing for some free time back!! Hopefully everything will work out!
Deleteohmygosh - we sound like twins! What school does your husband go to? (If you don't mind sharing on the internet lol). I was in the exact same boat last year with having trouble in the job market. I nannied for a while and then worked from home doing internet copywriting. That project is now on hold, so I have nothing to fill my time with and no money coming in - trying to find a job 4 months pregnant and no intention to work afterward seems so silly, so I'm just chilling at home. One thing I considered when I had trouble finding a job was going to school for dental assisting - I figured that it would help me learn about the field my husband is entering and in the future I could work in his office (or at least fill-in if a dental assistant was on vacation, etc.)
DeleteSorry to jump in on y'all's post!:) I am a stay at home mom to our two kids while my husband is going to dental school. It is wonderful!! I stay busy with two kids while he is busy in dental school. I'm so thankful we decided to start our family before he graduates. We are having to use some of the students loans, but it has definitely been the best decision we have ever made to have kids early. They are truly our little blessings!!
DeleteGlad you jumped in Mandi :) I'm so glad to hear from a stay-at-home mom that its doable to have kids while your husband is in school. Thank goodness for student loans!
DeleteWe also get our kids involved at the dental school. They have an organization for married dental students with kids at the college my husband attends (GRU formally known as Medical College of Georgia). They have family day and other fun activities for the whole family.
Deletethis always eats my comments, and never posts them!! i tried to reply a few time and they got lost in space! anyway- my husbands in NYU. the loans are outrageous there! I was also looking into dental assisting/or hygiene but its more time in school, which equals more loans, and like i said, I plan to stay home anyway once we have kids. It seems its so rare for moms to be staying home with kids these days, all my friends are focusing on their careers, even if they have kids. They think I'm crazy for depending on my husband. I'm glad I'm not alone here! Dentistry is a very lucrative career, and I think on one salary we will be living good after the loans are paid off. Maybe one day, I can work in his office!