And now begins my
Better Late Than Never series... which could also be called,
I Was Too Lazy This Summer to Bother Blogging.
Summer fun started almost as soon as Joe's classes were finished for the year. Our cruise was booked for June 22nd, and we had asked my brother Brian to fly in and watch Buster while we were gone. Since I don't get to see Brian often, he came a week before our cruise so we could hang out.
The three of us (Brian especially) are really into history and politics. Joe had never been to Washington D.C. before and, with it being only 2(ish) hours away, it was a no-brainer that we'd go while Brian was visiting. We booked a hotel near the city so that we could spend Monday and Tuesday exploring the sites.
We spent the first day looking at the monuments and other D.C. landmarks. It was incredibly hot and humid... nearly unbearable. Plus I made a stupid shoe decision and my feet started hurting literally 10 minutes after we left the car. It was still fun, though :)
Had to apply some bright red lipstick to distract from my sweat-drenched hair |
After we were all too exhausted to continue, we decided to head to the hotel. Upon arriving, we noticed that many of the rooms had balconies with rocking chairs. Leave it to Joe, he somehow charmed his way into a free room upgrade. SCORE! The guys were thrilled :)
We ate dinner at the hotel bar. The food was cheap and surprisingly good.
The next day we focused on the Smithsonian museums. Joe is a huge fan of aviation and space, so he was most excited for the Air & Space museum.
I told you he was excited ;) |
And, of course, the obligatory shot of Joe somewhere he is too tall for |
I was just thrilled to see Dorothy's ruby slippers |
After exploring the museums, we headed back to Philly and spent the next couple of days recuperating and playing
The Last of Us. Actually, I should clarify. Brian played and Joe and I watched... we aren't that good at shooting video games. But it was a lot of fun to watch and to follow the story.
Thursday night, we had another fun thing on our docket. We were going to be trapped in a room with a zombie!
Yes, you heard me right :)
Trapped in a Room with a Zombie is this cool attraction (for lack of a better word) where you have 60 minutes to solve a series of riddles and puzzles to escape a room. There is a "zombie" in the room attached to a chain, and every 5 minutes the chain releases a little bit so that the longer you are in the room the closer the zombie gets to you. If you get touched by the zombie, you are "eaten" and you have to sit out for the rest of the hour.
Although it was just the three of us in the room, Joe, Brian and I were optimistic that we could solve the puzzles. We realized pretty quick that we were in trouble. It was tough! Being a fan of scary stuff, I really didn't think the zombie would phase me. But I was desperate to not get "eaten." So much so that I actually pushed Brian in front of me at one point when the zombie got close.
Yes, I am a terrible sister.
Luckily he did not get "eaten."
In the end, we did not solve the puzzles and escape. They walked us through how to get out of the room once the hour was up, and we would have needed more people, more time, or clearer brains (we were all exhausted) to have had any hope of getting out of that room. But it was still a blast. I would LOVE to go again when they change the puzzles (which they are supposed to do soon).
Our last major event was the Philadelphia Comic Con on Friday. We were really excited to go because there were supposed to be several actors from
The Walking Dead in attendance. Unfortunately the two we were most excited for (Daryl and Maggie) were slated to be there on Saturday, not Friday. Boo :(
Before we went to the convention center, though, we hit up Reading Terminal Market for some sandwiches from
DiNics. While known for their pork sandwiches, their Italian beef brisket sandwich is one of the most amazing things I've ever eaten. It's not pretty, but it is FABULOUS.
Comic Con ended up being fun, despite not seeing Daryl and Maggie. Lori, Shane and Herschel were there - so that was pretty sweet. I took a couple of sneaky pictures of Herschel, which is strictly against the rules so I won't post them ;) We didn't get any autographs or professional pics, because we are too cheap for that haha.
It was really cool to see all of the vendors, especially the artists. There were so many talented people! I ended up getting two T-shirts:
That's it for our adventures with Brian! Tune in next time for a re-cap of our cruise :)